2024 Annual Report

Look What God Did!

You helped us spread more Love, Joy, & Peace than ever before.

Let all that I am praise the LORD;

may I never forget the good things He does for me.

Psalm 103:2

Annual Report 2024

Letter From Pastor


A Year of Celebration…


Dear Family! 


SpiritCHURCH will remember 2024 as a year of celebration. In Philippians 4:4, the Apostle Paul encourages us to “always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!” Reflecting on the fantastic year certainly causes us to rejoice in all that God is doing in and through His church. We give Him all the glory and honor for His faithfulness as we endeavored to share Love, Joy, and Peace. Robyn and I invite you to join us in celebrating God’s work in 2024!



Celebrating Continued Growth

SpiritCHURCH continued to grow numerically in 2024. We witnessed increased attendance in children's and youth ministries and Sunday worship experiences. Continuing to Reach One More remains our priority, and God enabled us to grow numerically and in our spiritual lives as well. 


Our January Prayer Conference sparked spiritual growth and created a sincere hunger for more of God! Anointed messages from Dr. Jamie Austin, Joe Colaw, and Bruce McCarty stirred and challenged our hearts. SpiritCHURCH began as a prayer meeting in the early 1920's. How profound that our 100th year began where it all started, seeking God's empowering power and presence to help us reach the Least, Last, and  Lost.


A highlight of 2024 was the JOY Women's Conference. Over 250 women gathered to grow into WholeHearted followers of Jesus Christ. This exciting event featured guest speakers, a wonderful meal, an auction benefitting Advocates for Africa, and powerful, Christ-centered teaching that blessed our ladies.


We also celebrate the addition of four new SpiritGROUPS. These groups are a vital part of our discipleship strategy. We encourage everyone at SpiritCHURCH to experience joy as they connect and grow in a SpiritGROUP. 


Celebrating Compassion

The mission of SpiritCHURCH is to share the Love, Joy, and Peace of Jesus Christ with the Least, Last, and Lost. Every ministry and program is intended to equip God’s people to help reach those who are far from God. We dedicated the week between Palm Sunday and Easter to strategic outreaches. During ComPassion week, you helped us provide groceries to neighbors and serve free breakfast to educators in our community. The week culminated with an outreach at the Agape Mission. What an exciting day as over 200 people were offered Bibles, a meal, and free haircuts. Most importantly, the gospel was presented to adults and children through music, puppets, and preaching.


Thank you for helping us partner with other local churches for September’s Convoy of Hope outreach at Johnstone Park. Your love, enthusiasm, energy, and prayer made it possible for over 4,000 people to receive access to groceries, shoes, haircuts, family photos, nutrition education, flu shots, and access to community services. Each attendee was given the opportunity to hear the gospel and receive prayer. Eighteen people said YES to Jesus that day! We celebrate your compassionate heart for Bartlesville and beyond.


Celebrating Generational Impact

Each week, we are blessed to have multiple generations join together to celebrate Jesus. We know that every soul matters to God, and we intentionally prioritize the

next generation. Our consistent prayer is, “Lord, who is next?” We are focused on discovering and developing godly and passionate leaders through dynamic youth and children’s ministries. 


In 2024, over 150 children and students engaged in meals, games, discipleship activities, and powerful services at Camp Cargill. We are grateful for the significant life change that occurred during these strategic ministry weeks. We believe the time spent at camp will have an eternal impact. 


Vacation Bible School (VBS) was great! Kids from our church and community participated in volleyball, science, dance, art, basketball, football, and soccer. Each night concluded with exciting gospel presentations that led our children closer to Jesus.


The foundation of our intergenerational ministry focus comes from investing in healthy marriages and families. Our marriage events and online parenting classes enabled us to focus on these vital areas. Almost 450 people attended “date nights” and were challenged to invest in their marriage and remain Christ-centered in all areas of their lives. The parenting classes provided practical teaching from Tim Kimmel’s Grace-Based Parenting. We joyfully celebrate the intergenerational makeup of our church family and praise God that He is faithful to all ages and in all seasons.


Celebrating Cross-Cultural Ministry

At SpiritCHURCH, we celebrate the work of God in Bartlesville and beyond. 

We are committed to obeying Christ’s command to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. At present, we support 96 missionaries and ministries here in the United States and around the world. In addition to your generous giving, several members of our church family joined on missions trips to serve the Least, Last, and Lost. 


In late June and early July, a team was sent to Bethel, Alaska, to continue the work on the Kuskokwim Community Church. This joint project between the Alaska Assemblies of God and Chi-Alpha is vital in reaching residents of this isolated community and supporting teachers in remote villages. The teachers are trained, encouraged, refreshed, and resupplied during their time in Bethel; they then return to their village to serve as teachers and pastors of their community. 


In July, Pastor Daniel and Emily Hubler led a team of students and leaders to Denver, Colorado, to serve at the Denver Dream Center. Each day, they would pray, worship, and study God’s Word together. In addition, they participated in various neighborhood outreaches and served the homeless population in the downtown Denver area through feeding programs, literature distribution, and sports outreaches.


In October, we sent a team to Lusaka, Zambia. During their stay, two tabernacles were constructed: one in the community of Silver Rest…a very strategic and growing part of Zambia, and the other at the Assemblies of God Bible College just outside of Lusaka. Thanks to these efforts, a new church and countless pastors will continue proclaiming Christ to those far from God in eastern Africa. 


Celebrating a Century of God’s Faithfulness

October marked SpiritCHURCH's 100th anniversary! This congregation began as a prayer movement that grew into a revival that birthed a house church that was officially established by the General Council of the Assemblies of God on October 5, 1924. 


Our celebration began with 100 hours of prayer for SpiritCHURCH, the missionaries and ministries we support, and the unreached nations of the earth. Thanks to our friends at Hope Presbyterian Church, we revisited our former location at 900 S. Dewey for an evening of remembrance, prayer, worship, and thanksgiving. 

Several community, state, and national leaders sent congratulatory remarks and commendations in recognition of this historic moment. 


On Sunday, October 6, 2024, we gathered to hear from our former pastor and current OKAG Network Pastor, Dr. Darryl Wootton. What a day as we reminded ourselves that Jesus Saves and committed ourselves to the ongoing proclamation of that truth! What cannot be lost from this celebration is the outward focus that followed the event. On the first Sunday after the 100th anniversary, you generously gave to help plant a new church in the Kendall-Whittier neighborhood of Tulsa. May we continue to dream beyond ourselves and celebrate God's work around the world!


Celebrating Generosity

SpiritCHURCH is known for being radically generous. Your continued faithful giving in 2024 produced a significant Kingdom impact. In celebration of our 100th anniversary we received twelve strategic "Not About Us” offerings designed to equip and empower other churches to share the Love, Joy, and Peace of Jesus Christ. Today we celebrate that you gave over $133,000 to plant or strengthen churches in Israel, Ireland, India, Uruguay, Cuba, Japan, Zambia, Alaska, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and Stillwater.


In addition to these special gifts, you gave over $500,000 in above and beyond offerings to missions, outreach, and our Home for the Next 100 Years campaign. Thank you for believing in the mission of SpiritCHURCH, loving the nations and peoples of the world and trusting God with your resources. God exponentially multiplies what we place in His hands for His glory!


The Bible clearly teaches that we are to bring the tithe into God’s storehouse. Bringing the first ten percent of our increase to Him is an indication of our trust in Him and our gratitude for His continued faithfulness. In 2024, total tithes exceeded $2,000,000 for the second consecutive year! To God be the glory. Thank you for your generosity which consistently enables us to Reach One More!


Celebrating Changed Lives

There is nothing more exciting than celebrating the life change that Christ brings. What a joy to share the Love, Joy, and Peace of Jesus Christ and then to watch men and women, boys and girls, say YES to Jesus. I am pleased to report that in 2024 over 339 confessed Jesus as Savior and Lord. In addition, we were able to water baptize over 50 people who were making a public declaration of their faith. Seeing those far from God accept His grace, forgiveness, and love is the impetus behind everything we do as a church family. May God equip and enable us to continue seeing His Kingdom come, and His will be done!


Together let’s keep Reaching One More!

To God be the glory,


Dr. Jason & Robyn Fullerton

Lead Pastors


Say YES to Jesus





56 Water Baptisms


Given to Global Mission and Outreach




201 First Time Givers















Family Fall Bash

Super Camp VBS

Mortgage Remaining
56 %

$1,392,516.23 Remaining


224 Families


SpiritCHURCH in 2024 for the First Time


Averaged 78 Sunday Evenings

Kiddie Park Day

Average Sunday Attendance


Joy Women's Conference


Unique Online Service Viewers

Online Viewers From

28 Countries


Averaged 160 Unique Viewers Each Sunday


Supported Families through the DHS Care Portal

112 Missions Organizations and Missionaries Supported



SPTYTH Averaged 88 on Sunday Evenings



272 Unique Online Viewers in 2024


Each Sunday SpiritKIDS Averaged 98 and SpiritKIDS Jr. 89

Tornado Relief Feeding

Convoy of Hope Bartlesville

SpiritCHURCH 100th Anniversary

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Going Forward

Who we are for 2025



Our Purpose


Our purpose is to please God.







Our Mission


Our mission is to equip people to share the love, joy, and peace of Jesus Christ with the least, last, and lost.






In 2025 We will Proclaim:


1.  Jesus Saves

2.  Love, Joy, & Peace to the Least, Last, & Lost

3. The Importance of Spiritual Growth and Health

4.  The Best is Yet to Come



God has impacted many lives through Spirit Church. 



2121 S. Madison Blvd, Bartlesville, OK 74006

